I have some marking to do but donapos;t feel like doing it yet. So I shall just list random things for their own sake.
1. I should not go to the beach and then come home and run. The sun saps your energy. Running when itapos;s humid saps your energy. I want to curl up and sleep. But no, I have to mark.
2. Running with music masks my panting (to myself). Apparently when I speed up towards the end and run till I feel like vomiting, I wheeze. I didnapos;t realise that when I was jogging along the relatively empty East Coast trails. In heartland Singapore, where you weave amongst busy commuters walking home from work, itapos;s a different story. Quite a few people looked back in alarm and then moved out of my way quickly, for fear I might go into cardiac arrest and/or hurl onto their shoes or something.
3. I saw a couple of photos from early 2007 and realised that in the course of one year I have developed a flabbier gut and that my hair in London looks much healthier. On the plus side, my eyebrows look better now and I have less pigmentation on my face.
4. I think that despite having had a rather tough first half of the year, where I forced myself to do happy things and keep cheerful, the need to do so has passed. I am in a peaceful phase right now, even though I still worry about money from time to time (especially given the global economic outlook).
5. I donapos;t know when I will find time to go to London again. I need to go. But I have a lot of teaching to do next year and wonder how to squeeze in the time for a trip. Which I must make.
6. Related to running, a flabby gut and spending the day at the beach, I considered my body and how I feel about it. I have decided that despite the flabbier gut and having to consign my work clothes from pre-2003 to charity, I am not unhappy with it. Itapos;s reasonably fit, Iapos;m hardly sick and the energy levels have yet to fall noticeably.
7. I should go for a haircut soon. I need to book a pedicure. I need to buy work skirts.
8. I am many skin tones lighter than people usually think. I just spend time in the sun, swimming, hiking, cycling etc and catch and retain colour well. When I am unclothed, the tan lines are startling.� Ask my waxing lady.
9. My arms are dusted with red moles and freckles. I only noticed them after a winter in London when my normal tan faded.
10. I hope the Dr doesnapos;t have too many skin and sun related comments to make in response to this post. I use sunblock religiously, but I cannot change my lifestyle. I like being outdoors, even in muggy, sweaty Singapore.
crate gt212 review, crate gt30, crate gt3500h.