My friend "Blanche" is responsible for processing voter registrations for the state of Ohio. The past few weeks heapos;s been working about 4 additional hours of overtime every evening in attempt to get all the paperwork taken care of. All this OT heapos;s been acquiring has actually put him in a higher tax bracket, which means heapos;s actually making very little as far as OT is concerned, but thatapos;s a whole other bag of beans.
He has told me about some of the forms heapos;s actually handled over the past few days. Here are a few heapos;s mentioned....
- Under the "Which county do you reside?" portion, someone spelled "Franklin" as "Frank Lynn".
- One form was filled out in blue crayon. Another in green. (Better than red, I�suppose.)
- Under "Previous address", someone wrote "With my mom".
- Under "Zip code" at least a hundred people wrote a three-digit number (i.e. An area code).
- Under "Current address" someone wrote "Iapos;m on vacation".
I guess the lesson learned here is this: If you ever feel bad about your level of intelligence, thereapos;s always someone dumber than you are.....especially in Ohio.
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