суббота, 11 октября 2008 г.


I went downtown last night during Farmersapos; Market and saw a bunch of prop 8 supporters carrying signs saying "Prop 8 = religious freedom", "Prop 8 = parental rights", and so on.

Without being cynical, I donapos;t understand those signs at all. In fact, just the opposite is true as far as I can tell. I suppose there might be some fine print in prop 8 that, for example, undermines parental rights, but I want details before I believe it. I was tempted to stop to grill the supporters, but I was already on my way to meet some friends and I donapos;t really think I would have gotten a coherent answer anyway. Maybe next week.

I guess I missed the prop 8 opponents last night, although there were some flamboyant customers at FP after Farmers. After a few drinks, some friends were hoping to see the two sides get into a fist fight. They were rooting for the gays. :-)

chobits coloring sheets, focoso, focotar, focotar 2.

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