суббота, 11 октября 2008 г.

auction grande rio valley

The events of the evening�from the point of view of Kyle:

1. Lake Compounceapos;s Haunted Graveyard.��Basically the same as last year.� Personally i thought it was less scary than Fright Haven.� To its credit,�it was bigger and longer so you were immersed in it more.
2. Mike was the only one who didnapos;t piss me off.� Joe complained the whole time, and�dont even get me started on the other 2.� There was something about my screaming...?��Um if your gonna come with us to a haunted trail thing, expect screaming.� What the hell is wrong with screaming�around Halloween time?� Everyone was screaming� Its fun.� And�i tired wearing jeans and a hoodie.� Bad idea.� I donapos;t even want to talk about how uncomfortable i was all night.
3. Back at my house, which i was against, everyone ate chocolate and�talked about shit.��Trying to ignore the fairly annoying comments that were being made (Charlie, enough with the gay jokes) i thought the whole time.��I started looking for good spots�around the�room i can�decorate for the Xmas Party.� The�i thought of simone.� Yup.� Damn�i miss her� If she were there, i donapos;t think i would have been so irked.��Me and her would have gone upstairs and talked about everything, and weapos;d have basically the same opinions on what was fun and what sucked about the night.

Epilogue:� Next week, since we cant uninvite Charlie and Gabby, ill see if Vicky can come.� Gonna wear my regular clothes.� Hopefully not gonna back to my house, and if we do, hopefully gonna walk around the block or play Outburst or something.� I canapos;t even begin to explain how much just sitting and talking sucks.� Thereapos;s nothing more boring and stupid.� I almost wish i had fallen asleep, I wouldnapos;t have missed anything.
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